Sunday, May 30, 2010

My path through Portland

I had been contemplating going to Portland since my breakup with Alex in February. It seemed like the perfect time. It seemed like a brilliant escape. I wasn't sure though. It felt like the right thing to do, even though it didn't feel entirely like what I actually wanted. My friend Cody asked if I could be there by May 20th. So I was thinking about it. The plan was that we would start in Portland and travel around for the summer.

In mid April, I had a dream. In my dream, I had been taken through this portal into South America. Peru, to be more specific. I have been dreaming of South America for years, before I even knew what it looked like. Anyways, in this particular dream, I was taken to Machu Picchu. It was incredibly real and incredibly vivid. I heard a voice tell me that I should apply for my passport. Near the end of the dream, I found myself in North America again. A white flag appeared in the sky. Then it turned into the American flag, and a huge eagle appeared in front of it. The flag wrapped itself around the eagle, turned white again, and then the eagle flew towards South America. This part seemed significant to me, but I had absolutely no idea what the hell it meant.

The next day, I began researching Peru, now feeling like I had to go there eventually. I serendipitously found myself on this website about a spiritual messenger in Peru named Willaru Huayta. He is said to be a direct descendant of the ancient Inca civilization. Nothing really struck me until I read one of his prophecies: "When the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the earth will awaken."

I was absolutely dumbfounded. Instantly, it was like a slideshow of my dream played in my mind and connected with this prophecy. I decided to e-mail Willaru and see if he could shed any light on my dream. While searching for a contact e-mail address, I instead came across a list of tour dates on the west coast during May...he was spending a month in the US spreading his message. May would be the only month he would be in the US for the entire year. On the list, I saw he would be in Portland on May 25th, only 5 days after my friends wanted me to be in Portland. It all seemed to click, and I booked my flight that same day. I would talk to him in person rather than e-mail.

When I got to Portland, my friends picked me up from the airport. It was almost instantaneous.. it felt off. I can't even explain it, but it didn't feel right that I was there. I spent the next day and a half feeling upset and close to tears (or in tears) because I felt so wrong. I was confused because it had felt so right before. But my intuition was screaming at me.. I wasn't suppose to be here and I wasn't suppose to do this. This wasn't the life I needed to lead at the time.

I am sorry to say that I upset and disappointed my friends when I left them. I feel sadness for that. But at the same time, I needed to do it. I went and stayed with a longdistance coworker of my father's. This woman, Kristin, and her family took me in with open and welcoming arms for the week. They were absolutely wonderful. They helped me explore and see the city before I had to leave again. The plan was that I would go see Willaru speak on the 25th, and then leave back to MN a few days later.

I sat in a room with a handful of other people, the majority of them much older than myself, and listened to Willaru speak. His messages were profound, rooted in love and simplicity. I often had to close my eyes and listen with my heart, because his accent was so thick. He was a true master; gentle, humorous, simple, profound, humble. I became nervous, wondering what I would say to him. But afterwards, I simply went up to him and said, "I had a dream that led me here." I explained it to him, and I could see his eyes light up in a combination of surprise and recognition. He gave me a card with his contact information on it, and told me that if I felt called, he would host me in Peru for additional teachings.

So this is where I am now. I am corresponding with Willaru over e-mail for now. I would like to save up enough money, and prepare myself spiritually, to go on a pilgrimage to Peru.

After that meeting, all my tension was released. I felt like I had gotten what I went there for. I felt like my mission had been completed. And now I couldn't be happier that I am home again.

The Universe works in very strange ways, but it knows what it's doing. I submitted to its will entirely, without knowing why, and I was led to the right places at the right time. I feel wonderful.


  1. I am feeling that same nagging of uncertainty. Uncertain of what I'm not sure, but sure that something is not quite as it should be.

    I'm very happy to hear about your meeting though! I know you had been looking forward to it, and I'm glad you got a chance and were well received. Congrats, Kat!

  2. taking a leap like that says a lot about your character ...
