Sunday, May 2, 2010

lifeblood of gaia

on friday, my roommate heather and i went to camp coldwater spring off 55. we filled our bottles with the fresh sacred water and walked around for awhile, enjoying the general beauty and splendor. a man came up to us. he told us stories about the history of the spring and the 4 sacred oak trees representing the cardinal directions that were cut down near there years before.

he told us that water was the lifeblood of mother earth. it sustains the earth as well as it sustains us. if we poison our own blood, we become sick. if we poison the blood of gaia, she will become sick as well. he had tremendous respect for the earth, and for all its inhabitants as well. he told us how he was angry with the white men after they cut down the sacred oak trees, but has since realized that each color of man brings with it many gifts, no one gift being more important than another. as he spoke, it rained on us, light and cool. i remember thinking how important this moment could be.

later, we walked around at minnehaha park. we watched the waterfall, and heather said "try watching a single drop go all the way down the waterfall. puts it into a different perspective." and it definitely did. it reminded me of the man's stories. we continued walking, and sat on a bridge over a river. we talked more about water being the lifeblood of gaia. there was a breeze that went through just then. it was very alive. it was recognition.

so here i am. i am no longer a prisoner to all my previous attachments. i am empty again, in the best way. i am learning things from nature and gaia and from friends and strangers. i am raw and learning again. and soon i will be traveling again, collecting lessons from the universe. this feels right. this feels free.

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