Saturday, May 16, 2009

transfer students

alex and i have been practicing controlling our energy flow. tuesday night, he tried transferring his energy to me, his fingers on my forehead. the next day, i had the most intense headache i've had in months, maybe years. i tried it on him, but it didn't really work. he is much better at pushing energy out of his body. i'm better at taking it in. so wednesday night, alex was feeling really irritable. we decided to experiment and see if he could transfer his irritable feelings to me. he put his palm to my forehead for awhile and concentrated. afterwards, he said he was feeling a little more relaxed. i could feel his energy seeping into me, but it wasn't a specific kind of energy. 15 minutes later, he started talking to me, and i found myself being short with him, almost snapping at him. i had no idea why. suddenly he smiled and said "you're irritable!" it was amazing. he helped me focus on moving the energy out of me, and i eventually pushed it down out of my body through my feet. i tried to transfer energy to him then; after pushing the irritable energy down my body, i was experiencing an excess of sexual energy. so i tried to transfer sexual energy to him. i figured out a good technique near the end that correlated with my breathing. he later said that it had worked. i can't wait to experiment more!!

we also did some scrying. he told me he saw my warrior and my inner child and one of my demons. i saw his warrior, but it wasn't as clear as i would have liked. his demon, however, was very clear... his eyes filled with black, and then started to boil and bubble over. he smiled at me, taunting me, like so many demons like to do.

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