Sunday, May 17, 2009

little noel's red balloon

5/17/09 dreams:

I was standing on the ground. It was mostly dark; the kind of dark that occurs about a half hour after the sun goes down. I knew I had to go and do something far away. I walked to the top of a hill that overlooked the valley I was just standing on. I ran, and jumped off the hill into the air. I began to fly, but was struggling and falling. I focused my thoughts and energy on flying. Above my head, I pictured 2 or 3 red balloons. (The number kept changing.) These balloons kept me in the air. When I wanted to change direction, I pictured wings like an airplane above my head, but they were made of the thinnest lightest paper. These helped me turn. I flew over rolling green hills, devoid of any other people. I looked into the horizon, and it was sunrise. However, the sun was so close to the earth that the earth had caught on fire. Embers were flying all around me, and I remember seeing the bright orange glow of the fire through my paper wings. To my left, the sky was still dark. It was beautiful; apocalyptic. 

I flew until I landed in this large building. It was flooding. There were still a few people evacuating, running in terror. I walked into this big dining room where I saw two people I knew: a boy I went to school with who I was infatuated with, and a girl whose face I can't recall. I went to them, and we decided to find higher ground. As we scurried about, we came across a woman who said she could save us. We followed her into the small opening at the base of a high tower. We crawled up a soft tunnel until we reached the small room at the top of the tower. It was swaying dangerously in the air. Looking out the windows, we saw there were many towers like this one. The woman told us that since she saved us, we would have to remain there indefinitely with her. We now felt the trap and all 3 of us quickly crawled out back into the flood. We sat at a bar in the dining room to think of our next plan. 

Just then, an older man grabbed my shoulders from behind, dragging me from the others. I screamed the boy's name, begging him to save me. I remember his face; it was afraid. I wasn't sure if he would save me. The older man pulled me into one of the towers, pulling me up the tunnel. We reached the top room. From the windows, I could see this tower was to the left of a stage in an opera house. In fact, it was an opera house I had performed in many times in the history of that particular dreamlife. It was dark. 

At the bottom, right behind the curtain of the stage, there was a little girl. They called her Little Noel. She was the star of this performance. She had a dark cloak with a hood on.. I could see some of the shadows on her face, and some of her deep brown hair, but not much else. She held a single red balloon. She had always held onto this red balloon.. it was her lifeforce. There was a darkness that always surrounded her, but her voice made you realize that beyond the darkness, she was filled with light. She was scary, but sort of special. 

The old man told me how this was Little Noel's last performance, laughing. When the curtains pulled back and Little Noel started her song, her balloon would pop, ending her life. I felt this strange animosity towards the little girl, but also felt the need to protect and save her. The old man turned his attention to something else. I remember thinking I could probably get away. I then struggled with myself, thinking, "Should I escape now? Or should I wait for ____ to save me?" (The name of the boy.. removed.) I quickly came to my senses, abandoning the damsel in distress. I ran at the windows, breaking through them. I used my flying skills to help ease myself to the ground, but I was still falling fast, and it was a long way down. 

As I was falling, I heard the old man's voice echo in my head. He said, "Don't be foolish, girl. That little girl down there is you. You cannot stop what is already done." 

I kept falling through the darkness, my eyes on the single red balloon below me. Tears came to my eyes as I realized Little Noel was me. (END DREAM)

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