Wednesday, April 29, 2009

theredglow:(from the dreambank)

one of the books i bought the other day is a book entitled "signs symbols and omens" and contains illustrations and descriptions of all kinds of spiritual symbolism. while looking through this book, i stumbled across the seal of saturn. (for image of seal go here:

in early february of 2006 i unknowingly dreamt of the seal of saturn and blogged about it. at the time, i thought the seal was something my mind conjured up on its own. only now am i discovering its meaning, and the dreams meaning. i am copying the entry below: 

"i cannot stand a room lit by fluorescence. this hatred of fluorescent lights runs so deep that my dorm room is filled with various lamps and lightbulbs and strings of colored lights around my lofted, canopied bed. i aggressively strung up my latest buy--large faceted red lights-- breaking two of the fragile bulbs in the process. One shattered as I was climbing up to my bed, forcing me to re-string the lights so they would form a zig-zag pattern under the bed and away from danger. I put nine small red paper lanterns on nine randomly chosen bulbs, four of which ended up on the zig-zag portion.
alex and i were sitting in our room, casually on our computers, when two unexpected visitors came to our door. they were solemn men, one in his late thirties and the other no older than twenty. the younger of the two remained silent and withdrawn as the first spoke. he expressed a problem. he was afraid. he was afraid for the boy next to him, for the tragic boy was becoming possessed by a demon. they were told that we could help him and that we were able to perform exorcisms. this of course not being true, we expressed our sorrows for the boy but turned both away.
something was happening. some sort of unnoticed coincident was filling alex and me with fear. the kind of fear that chokes your breath and turns your stomach. i felt presences around me; i was compelled to page through this large book i kept underneath my desk. it was a holy book, containing secrets of demonology, the darker side of christianity and the occult. i flipped through pages until i landed on a familiar pattern printed on the page. it consisted of zig-zagging lines and four lantern-shaped nodules on various parts of the lines.  somehow, unknowingly, i had constructed an ancient, magickal doorway to the astral plane with my red lights. this pattern was calling upon demons.
the moment i closed the book, there were more visitors. it was the same two as before, plus another. the boy was shorter than the others, and his face had now turned a crimson shade of red. his hair was stringy, and his features had all been smushed together, as if the hands of god had pinched parts of his face, molding him like clay into a soft, pliable lump of flesh. the other two had no faces at all. they were blank, with no features whatsoever. the empty voids were a pale and sickly shade of white against their trim black clothes. i knew now that they had all been possessed, but the boy was the worst. he was twisted and horrible and made me want to vomit from disgust and fear combined. so afraid. so afraid.
my eyes shot open from the horrible dream. the first thing that came into view was the string of lights above my head. i wanted to cry. the sound of the tv then came into notice, and i remembered i had fallen asleep on the mattress under my bed while watching late-night cartoons. i rolled over onto my side and threw the blanket over my head to forget the ominous red glow above me."

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