Wednesday, January 13, 2010

woman scorned

"Hell hath no fury!" she screamed, as the dangerously purple-hued clouds swirled about her crown. Her booming voice, no less than a deafening clap of thunder in her lover's ears, rang with divine justice, as if the scales of Libra had been weighed and the raindrops now detailed the outcome. Flashes of feeling, flashes of anger and resentment, lit up her eyes, appearing to her lover only as lightning on the distant horizon. That cursed horizon that would always remain juuust out of reach, the ever-illusive journey to the Holy Grail.
Oh, how her insides bled with abandonment, the crimson seeping up from the very roots of the soil. How her hair hung in strands of dried sticks and leaves, crumbling at his very glance. Feeling the shackles press into her delicate ankles (the same godforsaken shackles her lover now wears), she cried out, losing her footing and her will.
"Why have you betrayed me?!" she howled to him, the utter despair pulling her own words back into her throat. Her cries came out as but a small echo, lonely and unheard by man. Her hair blew away now in the restless winds of her hands, scattering like ashes on the endless path of concrete. The only remains of a love that was once everything.
She recalled the days of completion, when man and woman played together in the fields of what use to be and what is. When together they gazed at the sky and created maps of the stars. When he would dance as if golden feathers sprang forth from the blood in his hands, like it was the most natural thing in the world to sprout the most glorious of wings. And she would dance around him lovingly, lending him the air to fly on. And soon enough, they would forget where he ended and she began.
But now, he sits from inside his steel box of a home, passively glancing at her from time to time. At times, he sees the scars on her flesh, the bruises he has inflicted upon his former love himself. They burn his eyes and force him to look away. He has other loves now. Loves with metal and loves with wheels. And so, what was once Goddess is now just Ground. She remains resigned to her ill-fated love, her lovely body crumbling into dirt with time.
Soon enough, however, she will rise from the ashes like the strange Phoenix and she will fight back. She will face the man who betrayed her. Who once worshiped her. Who destroyed her.
Soon enough, however, Mother Earth will respond as the woman scorned she is.

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