Saturday, September 26, 2009

have i gone crazy?
...for real, this time? 

reality seems to be slipping away.
and though, for the first time ever, i feel like things are finally starting to fit,
and mysteries are finally starting to make sense,
i am hearing "you've lost it." 
though i feel like i've gained "it" 

i am hearing "you're acting crazy." 
though i'm not acting. 

but i'm also hearing whispers and bells that aren't there.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


join an Order that devotes itself to Chaos?
what foolishness is this?
join the Chaos that devotes itself to Order? 

clearly, Nonexistence is the only path of nondualism.
but to have Nonexistence there must be existence, which is still dualist. 
and to have nondualism, there must be dualism. 
oh boy. semantics. 

words... meaningful to a point, then just a 3 ring circus of past present and future expressions that cycle around eachother endlessly to amuse and entertain us. 

the Tao that can be named is not the eternal Name. 

if we are all God, if the Universe is us, if we are all the Tao, then literally anything that can be named is not its true Name. so none of our written and spoken words are our real words. EVER.

until we can figure out how to communicate honestly, i suppose we will have to rely on these words. which is unfortunate since miscommunication is more common that understanding. 

i still love words though. they are delicious. i will continue to enjoy them until i master ESP. 

oh! but, given all this, wouldn't the truest form of intuition be kinetic-- merely feelings? for with hearing, we hear words and sounds. with sight, we see images we've been taught to label and categorize with words. with feelings, most of the time, we cannot truly describe that which we feel with appropriate words. most of the time we don't even express these feelings for that very reason.

our feelings are not measured in words. i would more readily put my trust in someone who tells me that "it just feels so." than someone who could explain themselves in a logical and persuasive manner with words.  

it's enough to make you dizzy. 

lao tzu