Thursday, February 2, 2012

11 Ways to Ease Release

I've been talking to many people whose lives seem to be reaching their boiling points. Relationships, careers and lifestyles are ending or beginning. Confusion and enlightenment come a'knocking, often times both at once. The great 2012 energetic shift is already in progress, and you are a part of it! With all this new energy becoming available to us, we are offered the ability to manifest things faster, to release everything that holds us back, and to become the divine beings we truly are! But the process of releasing what holds us back can be painful, aggressive and difficult. When we release things, we often feel them rising up within us, wreaking havoc as they leave us and making us feel crazy for feeling them again. You may feel yourself releasing traumatic events, negative thought patterns and behaviors, and feelings that don't serve you (like self-loathing, guilt, shame). This is a very natural, healthy thing to experience. In order to make room for the wonderful energies coming in, we have to clear out our crap! These new energies are really moving the process along-- I've noticed the rate of release has increased exponentially since 2012 thundered in. So I have compiled a list of 11 ways to ease the overwhelming nature of release.

In these chaotic times, it is of the utmost importance to allow these changes to happen. We have all been conditioned to fight, fight, fight! Never give up, never let go! But when it comes to releasing what no longer serves us, we need to surrender ourselves to a higher will. It is okay to be struck down - it is important to be struck down. Our stubbornness in holding on to our issues will prevent us from integrating into this new energy. Surrender to the changes!

While releasing difficult negative emotions, we often feel them as they leave us. We feel the guilt or shame or trauma in a very real way that may make us question what is happening. We may spend hours mulling over why these feelings are coming up and how. Focusing on these questions will tie you to them, creating an attachment to your negative feelings that impairs the releasing process. Acknowledge that you are feeling them, accept that you are feeling them, but don't become attached to them. Be an impartial observer. If you need to cry, cry! But don't worry about why you are crying. None of it will matter once it has been released.

Your body is very smart. If you attune yourself to it, it will tell you exactly what it needs. Are you feeling more tired than usual? Rest - your body needs some downtime to process. Are you craving heavier foods than usual? Eat those heavier foods - your body needs grounding. Of all times to "suck it up" to continue your usual routine, this is certainly not one of them. It's okay to put off your workout or your diet or your night out if it means it will help you become who you're meant to be.

As you cast off your dense negative energy and begin integrating the light energy, your body may become dehydrated. In some cases, you may develop flu-like symptoms. It's very important to be drinking a lot of water. Water helps your body integrate the energy and soothe the process. Going swimming or taking a bath also helps. On difficult days, I imagine the water in the shower is divine white light, pouring through me, cleansing me. This is a great little ritual.

Spend at least 15 minutes a day in meditation or prayer. Find that sense of stillness and peace and connection to God every day. Encourage yourself to continue surrendering to the change.

When we feel our negativities rising, it can be all too easy to overlook the positive. Each day, choose one thing you are grateful for. It can be anything, tangible or not. Throughout the day, consciously send light and gratitude to your chosen thing. This will help you draw more light and healing into yourself, as well as keep perspective in a difficult time. (This is also beneficial to whatever you choose to be grateful for!)


When you are feeling anxious, bombarded by a mixture of emotions, and you're not sure what to do with yourself, try crafting. Do something creative with your hands! Keep it easy as to avoid further frustration. Try painting or knitting or building models or whatever it is you can get your hands into! I recently took up woodburning for DIY projects. It is doing wonders.

There will be times when you may feel so hopeless, you cannot even bear the thought of meditating or doing something creative for yourself. That's okay - it happens. These are perfect times to get into a movie or book or TV show. Lose yourself in the stories of others, as they can be the best teachers. Keep the themes positive though. Avoid movies or shows with a lot of violence and anger. Exposing yourself to the positive stories of others in your hopeless state can be incredibly therapeutic. I've really been getting into the BBC show Merlin. The message of magick and honor is comforting to me. I've also been reading books by one of my favorite authors Robert Moss. He is a brilliant storyteller.

Nature can be the best medicine. Nothing is more grounding than sticking your toes in the sand. Nothing is more invigorating than breathing in fresh air on an afternoon walk. In a world where the artificial rules, the earth can be your greatest ally.


Use sage or palo santo to clear out the energy in your home. With all the changes occurring and all the energies being released from you, it's important to clean up your mess. Those negativities may linger if not purified. The energy in your home is also connected to the energy of surrounding places. Are your neighbors unpleasant people? Is there a bar just down the street from you? Their negative energy may meander into your home. Saging regularly is always a good idea to get rid of the nasty stuff. You can also use Sacred Geometry to further protect your space.

When was the last time you genuinely asked for help? Somewhere along the line, we've gotten the idea into our heads that asking for help makes us weak. When in fact, asking for help can be a great sign of both strength and wisdom. We cannot go it alone. Ask your friends, ask someone in the healing community, ask God! When asking from an honest place, we receive. Always.

(Many healings are available to help and activate the process. There are two I would recommend highly: the Spiritual Light Initiation and the Life Activation. Click the links for more info.)